Proactive Food Safety: Streamline Risk Assessment & HACCP Planning while capitalizing on Emerging Threats for your products

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The previous week, Agroknow hosted a practical discussion on the optimization of the risk assessment processes of food & beverage manufactures with a focus identifying emerging risks in order to boost proactivity when it comes to new and emerging risks for their supply chains.

Spearhead, by Agroknow’s Head of Customer Success, Marina Bifsha, and with the technical expertise of  Mihalis Papakostandinou, Head of Data Team at Agroknow, deep-dived into the process that food & beverage companies follow to assess & monitor products, the biggest challenges they face and how new technologies can help tackle them and enhance their processes.  

The overarching challenge F&B food manufacturing companies face

Many food and beverage companies are increasingly concerned about the impact of unprecedented and unexpected risks to their supply chains. Beyond the financial damage, the reputational harm from a costly recall or a large-scale outbreak that could potentially harm consumers is a significant concern. Companies must move beyond reacting to incidents and instead focus on anticipating them.

Whilemany F&B companies have implemented food safety processes, such as HACCP plans, the vast number of ingredients and products monitored, along with the varied requirements of manufacturing plants and regions, can make risk monitoring and assessment overwhelming.

How can F&B manufacturers enhance this process?

Watch the full discussion here to discover insights such as:

  • Risk monitoring, risk assessment and risk prevention best practices for F&B companies
  • The major challenges that food companies face when it comes to assessing risks for their products
  • practical use cases of how food & beverage companies can improve their food safety processes and workflows in order to identify emerging risks for their supply chains
  • 71% of participants expressed interest in using technology for early identification of emerging food safety risks.

Watch the full discussion here.

Learn how FOODAKAI can help you streamline your food safety risk assessment processes here.

Funding for this research has been provided by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme EFRA (Grant Agreement Number 101093026). Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission-EU. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.